Entry forms are now available for Land Rover owners who want to take part in the largest display of Land Rovers in New Zealand to date, at the 150th Hawkes Bay Show, from October 23-35.
Special showcase areas will be created within the show relating to each vehicle’s era and age, and this is expected to gather a large amount of public interest.
Exhibitors are advised that the vehicles must be on display for the whole three days, with access available from Tues pm, or before 8am Wednesday, with the end of show at 4pm Friday, with vehicles able to exit after that.
Entrants must have entry passes and a vehicle pass to gain access, and security will be provided on the grounds during the day and overnight for those happy to leave their vehicles, otherwise the cars need to be returned to their spots each morning.
For further details and entry forms contact Mark Warren at waipari@xtra.co.nz(link sends e-mail); accommodation details are available from www.hawkesbayshow.co.nz