Cam Vernon’s Nissan Safari work truck

Adventure NZ

Ramarama (Auckland) contractor Cam Vernon’s hard-driving Nissan Safari keeps popping up on newsfeeds all over the place doing amazing things. We asked Cam for a quick rundown….and ended up with a wild, wheel-lifting ride up the road!

Q) So Cam, let's start with what you built the Safari to do?  It’s your work truck right? And you use it pretty much every day?
A) Yup it’s a purpose-built work truck/service truck to carry out vehicle maintenance and breakdowns out in the field for the fleet of equipment we sue at Vernon Developments.

Q) Better tell us a bit about Vernon Developments then. You’re primarily an earth-moving company aren’t you?
A) That’s right.  We are specialist earthmovers that deal in all types of civil construction/contracting and agricultural works.

Q) Back to the Safari. Talk us through who helped and how they helped turn what you wanted into reality?
A) Easy. I bought a big standard truck, spoke to Chris Trundle at Trundle’s Automotive in New Plymouth, told him what the result needed to be and wrote a decent cheque for what you see here today.

Q) Now could you go through the spec for us…engine, chassis, suspension etc.
A) Let’s see…35 in. Mickey T. MTZ P3 tyres, eight in. lift, big shocks etc, turbo, bigger fuel pump etc the list is long, believe me!

Q) Obvious next question, them is why?
A) Why? More like why not? But basically you can't buy anything of the shelf to do what I need so we built it!

Q) I see you helped rescue your local postman from rising flood waters near Clevedon recently. Any other good stories you can share with us?
A4) No particular one comes to mind. If a problem arises I'll help plain and simple 

Q6) No project is ever finished, so………..what’s next? Bigger turbo? Bigger wheels? Faster winch? For sale sign?
A) Good question. The plan now is to build another one but a true four-seater this time with a flat deck and this is something I am already in the process of doing. I can’t be arsed with new utes, they’re too plastically and shiny. I need mechanical reliability and simplicity, it's that simple.

Cheers for the chat Cam. You’re a champ!

To read every story in the June 2017 issue of NZ4WD go to (May 19) or purchase your own hard copy at the Adrenalin store.

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