Offroad Caravans offers Kiwi adventurers a huge range of off road accommodation options from respected caravan brands Highline Caravans, Red Centre Caravans and Network RV.
Avoid ground obstacles, carry heavier loads, get more off-road handling control or simply improve driver sight lines: Lift Junkie offers the ultimate combination of increased suspension functionali
Kumeu photographer Liam Coussons has built an impressive off-raod truck from the foundation of a tough Nissan Patrol and he’s finished the project off with quality accessories from Bushwakka.
For the team at NZOffroader, Fieldays is always a whirlwind. The preparations, transportation to Mystery Creek, and
meeting countless people make it a frantic yet thrilling time.
Fieldays – likely New Zealand’s biggest public event and a meeting point for town and country folk – returned to its traditional midwinter date slot this year.
Redarc says 4WDers can take control of any adventure and embrace a new level of automation in their vehicles with the company’s RedVision Vehicle Management System.
Ironman 4x4 has a range of lighting and electrical equipment suitable that offer a little bit of luxury, refinement, and solid practicality when going off the grid.
Whether your 4x4 drive is for work, exploring off-road or even a little of both, the legendary range of Goodyear Wrangler tyres have a tyre to suit every adventure.
When it comes to off-roading or delivering heavy materials to a construction site, having the right tyres on a 4WD vehicle can make all the difference.
Towing a caravan? A new level of automation is available from Redarc to help.
Take control of the adventure with the RedVision vehicle management system.