Despite having grown up in Christchurch in the 1970s, and having since lived in the UK and France, I have to say that I don’t really like living in Christchurch.
It was just a boys’ weekend away. Something easy, something to unwind with and most importantly, somewhere new to explore. We got a heck of a lot more than we bargained for.
When I was looking to escape the rat race of running IT services in government departments in Wellington I looked briefly at the “Grand Designs” notion of buying and restoring the old Cape Broom Ho
On the recent day trip to Cromwell (early December), to deliver a load of camping gear, we decided to have a look at the old Lindis Pass Historic Hotel on the way back to Geraldine.
A relatively fine forecast and a suitable tide was the chance we were looking for to escape the city for a day and experience some isolated coastline. After an early start to make the most of the
Charity farm drive raises dollars for Ararimu community pool
Kevin Isemonger was keen for some off-roading after being stuck in Auckland by Covid lockdowns that seemed endless. He jumped at the...
The north vs south debate continues
Regular contributor Kevin Isemonger is a North Islander – but he sees the beauty and benefit of both our main islands for the 4WD fraternity.
Hard on the heels of the Fellers family’s Pajero-based camp kitchen, contributor Richard Soult shares his tried and trusted outdoor cooking setup and a couple of recipe ideas.
Seven hours hard-out in the wilds of Taranaki
Let’s not confuse the Forgotten Highway with the much more challenging Whangamomona Track. The former can be driven in an urban SUV, the latter is not...